Page name: Wolves Call [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-22 22:28:06
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The story:

Wolves are wolves but sometimes wolves can turn into people. And these people are the gifted few who can stop rogue werewolves from killing humans and other wolf packs. No one knows how the first werewolf was made, some say it was luck others say it was gods doing but some do believe it was to so with genes. But what ever it was it seemed to be a good or bad thing depending on peoples personals.These werewolves are born into this world, they first change when they are in there teens. When they hit puberty, the wolf develops in us. They heed the call of the wolf and they change. Now these werewolves can shift at will, like at anytime they wish to, they also have certain psychic powers like mind control and the power to recognize ones life mate. A life mate is an other werewolf or a human. When a werewolf has found there life mate they must take them and complete the bonding so they will be together forever. Now the bonding is taking the life mate three times, twice the normal way and the thrid time the way of the wolf. When a werewolf has found there life mate they become very, very protective of there mate and would lay there own life on the line to protect him or her. Now these kinds of werewolves have NORMAL HUMAN LIFE SPANS! When it's like two days before the full moon the werewolves they become a little strong than normal. They are allergic to silver for some weird reason. Oh and also if fureru de la mort is upon a werwolf then he or she will kill anything even there life mate (thats if they haven't completed the bonding) until they calm down.
She-wolves are VERY rare in packs, they are maybe only like 10 born every 30 or so years. No one knows why but when a female is born she is to go around all the different packs until she finds her life mate. When she dose she is must complete the bonding with the wolf then both packs shall be joined together.


Werewolf hunters think that all werewolves are evil and stuff. So they hunt them down and take them to the Scions which is a holding lab for werewolves. So scinceist can do experiment's on werewolves until they die. They are trying to take the wolf out of the human so they can be normal again. But what is really happening is that Decker the leader of the Scions is really wanting to be a werewolf so he is brainwashing alot people in thinking that all werewolves are evil and they should die.

Okay the aim of the game is to find your life mate, stop rouge werewolves and have normal-ish lives. You mustn't tell any HUMANS the truth about you and your secret of being a werewolf unless your mate is a human then it's fine to tell. Then after that you can just make up your own twists and stuff but please note that onces you have your life mate you CAN NOT CHANGE YOUR MIND AND GO OFF WITH ANOTHER CHARATER!!!

Rules of this RPG!

1. No god modeling, please!
2. No killing each other characters unless you have consent from the other person.
3. The werewolves in this RPG life a NORMAL human life span! They do NOT life for over 500 years, okay?
4. YOUR CHARACTERS MUSTN'T LOOK LIKE A NEKO! Please this is meant to be like real live. When have you ever seen a guy or girl walk around with a tail and cats ear? Well other then for halloween or a party.
5. Put ALL characters in here The people of the pack
6. Put ALL sex scenes in here Bonding times
7. Please ask myself [Tis gone but never gone] if you can join. But if you get an invite off myself then you can just join.
8. All non-RP talk must go in () or []

Username (or number or email):


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2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose hugged Daniel back but she held onto him."Sorry for what?" she whispered back,

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak did nothing, nor did he remakr to his statement. Rubbing his hand, he snarled in a bit of pain and headed back downstairs. [nu going to bed!]

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: [*passes out on keyboard* blech...fine]

Daniel whispered, "For doing this to you. Your entire family is suspicious of me. I don't want them to wonder about you too.

Steven nodded, "Yeah..." He said and then looked around slightly. He slid off his gauntlet because it was too hot under it. The removed gauntlet revealed a large scar that ran from the back of his hand up his forearm.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira gently ran her hand along his scar "what happened if you dont mind me asking?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak reentered the kitchen and sat back down, placing his injured hand on the table. It wasn't broken, but it hurt like hell.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose held him tighter to her."Gareth knows where my loyals lie. And I know where yours lie too." she kissed his cheek.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella bit her lip as she thought about what she had learned about Gareth earlier. She sighed a little and plopped back down on the couch.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth was cleaning up the mess he had made cooking for Rose. He thought about dannella and he hoped that she didn't fear him or anything.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak clutched his hand a few times, curling his digits into his palm to make a fist. "Anything I can do to help, Gareth?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."No not really."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak shrugged and stretched for a moment. "I guess she won't need a body guard now." he'd say.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Danny sighed a little, now she knew he wouldn't want her. He was being nice was all, he'd want someone of his own kind... Not her. That made her scowl a little and she got up, deciding to finish the fence anyway.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."Maybe not but it's best to keep an eye on her what with Rafe still out there." he walked to the front door and opened it."Hello."

Michelle."Hello. Is Dr.Rose Morlrt here." she held up a gift bag."It's off my grandma. Since it's Rose's birthday next week and my Grandma won't be in town for it. She wanted me to bring this over now just so she didn't forget."

Gareth nodded."Thank you. I'll give it to Rose" he took the gold gift bag."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak froze when he heard a voice. Following the words of Gareth, he stood up and stepped to he front door, remaining a distance of six or seven foot away from Gareth, gazing over the mans shoulder toward the female who was offering a gold gift bag.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja and Kai were walking by as Kuja rudely pulled Kai's hair.

Kai pushes Kuja "ya bastard >.<"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven looked into his memories, "It was the first time my brother and i ever fought to kill..." He said gloomily.

Daniel smiled and kissed her lips, "I am here Rose, like i said i would be."

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose smiled back at him."And I'm never letting you go." she kissed him.

Michelle nodded and smiled."Thank you. Oh and tell Dr.Morlet that I won't beable to make my apointment tommorrow I have a PTA meeting."

Gareth nodded."I will. What's your name. Just so I can tell my sister."

Michelle nods."My name is Michelle Jones."

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella worked on the support for the new picket fence around the front yard

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak took two steps forward, closing the six or seven foot gap between he and Gareth, to just three. He wanted to get a closer look at this female. Taking a deep breath he intook her scent and smiled as he closed his eyes. Her scent was wonderful. He liked it..a lot. Yet..he didn't know what to say, how to bring forth and opening to conversation with her.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai TT.TT "quit pullin mai hair"

Kira frowned a little leaning against him "oh thats awful..."

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: ((Dude, Michelle is 30 and Gar`Mak is 17.... Cougar ^_^, jk))

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [^.-]

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel leaned into her when she pressed against him and kissed her too.

Steven nodded, "He got worse...I almost killed him. I had him pinned by my hand and i swiped at his neck with my gauntlet...He moved slightly but it tore into his collar bone and left a big scar on him as well. We got worse from that day on." he said with a nod, "He had killed a male werewolve's mate and the male never stood a chance but as Daniel went to impale him i caught his blade with the backside of my arm."

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: [lmao!!! Maybe you DO have a's just only revealed to older women LOL XD]

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose kissed him more as she held him close to her.

Gareth nods."Well thank you Miss.Jones. I'll make sure my sister gets your message and her present. Have a good day and a save trip home." he smiled kindly at her.

Michelle nods and smiled."Okay and thank you. Bye." she walks down the path and to her car.

Gareth closed the door and locked it.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak made his move, he walked to the door once Gareth moved away from it and unlocked it, exiting the house. "Wait." he'd say to Michelle, his tone gentle and soothing.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira winced lightly "oh my"

Kai >.< "gah i hate chu"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth chuckled and walked to the kitchen.

Michelle turned around to face Gar'Mak."Yes?"

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella took a quick break and looked over her work, now all she had to do was put the actual fence part up, which was easy and quick enough when you knew what you were doing.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Yeah, like your mother!]

Gar`Mak smiled. "Um, hello." he'd say extending his right arm toward her, the one that got punched. There was a bruise on it, but he shook the pain off. "I'm Gar`Mak." he'd say.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shook his hand."Michelle Jones."

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven nodded, "Yeah, I saved the guy but...he was never himself again, never truly alive without his life mate." He shrugged off the gloom and shook his head, "Anyway. What about you any interesting stories or adventures?"

Daniel put his hands on her lower back and pulled her against him but when he did his shirt fell slightly and revealed his scar down his collar bone.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose noticed his scar, she ran her finger lightly along it."Wh-What happened?" she whispered. She was meaning what happend that got him that scar

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira chuckled "other than jumping from pack to pack? nah though i'll always be scarred walking in on kai @.@"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled and released her had moments later. "Pleasure to meet you." he'd say biting his lip. Come on think THINK, say something! he screamed to himself. "Yeah..I was um wondering, if I know...this is way too forward, but might I take you to dinner?" he'd ask. He knew from her looks she was most likely WAY too old for him, but something...something told him that she was perfect.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven laughed, "I don't think i want to know." He said then grinned, "But you could pay him back." He said and laughed again.

Daniel shook his head out of the memory, "Steven and I were fighting. It was our first big fight, when we truly were trying to kill each other." He said and swallowed a cotton ball, "I don't know if you want to hear about what caused it..."

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled "awe i couldnt do that to him"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven shrugged, "Just throwing it out there." He said with a wink.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle blinked at him."Ummmm... that's sweet but your way to young for me. I have to go now." she walks to her car. She was use to her students hitting on her and younger guys too but she was looking for someone her age.

Rose kissed his scar lightly."I want to know everything about you."

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled more "it would be funny"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed. Maybe he was wrong? Or maybe he wasn't. Stepping closer. "Please? Just a friendly thing...not a date, I don't mean to seem like I'm hitting on's just..that place is a damn love fest and I'd like to get out, just a good company thing." he'd say.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai glared at Kuja "why do you follow me?!"

Kuja chuckles "cause its fun to bug you"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle looked at him."I'm sorry but I have stuff I need to do." she unlcoked her car and got in.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded. Turning around, he'd walk back toward the house. He wasn't going to press the matter any further, she said no to a date, then no to good company. Guess he'd have to be stuck there with the bloody love birds.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle drove from the house shaking her head.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel shook his head, "No, you don't. But you need to know." He sat down on her bed and motioned her over.

Steven smiled, "Mmhmmm." He said with a big grin, "He wouldn't know what to do i bet."

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kuja hugged Kai "buddy ^^"

Kai -,- "a thorn in my side"

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back giggling "no no i do not think he would"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak entered the house, closed the door, and locked it. Sighing softly, he'd rub his tembles and cring, his hand trobbing with pain. He'd deal with it later. Walking back to the kitchen, he sat down.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose walked over to him and sat down on his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: [wow, your getting on your own nerves kitty LOL]

Steven smiled, "The question is...who would help you?" He said with another big grin.

Daniel put his arms around her waist, "I have killed one hundred and thirty seven were wolves over the course of my life Rose." He said with a sigh, "Number 49, Jack Kintowski...He had recently joined with his life mate and i killed her, Number 48. He went into a psychotic rage and attempted to pounce me. I grabbed his jowel and threw him against a tree. I raised my blade high but as it came down my brother stood in the way with his forearm up protectively. I tore into his arm and then he launched forward tearing my sword from his arm. He held me down and tried to kill me by slicing my neck open but i moved slightly, and this is what happened..."

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [only i can do that xD]

Kira smiled back "you of course ^^"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose listened to him and when he finshed she hugged him tightly.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak leaned against the back of his chair, utterly bored. Where did Gareth go? He had a question for him.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth walked into the kitchen and he put the gold gift bag on the table.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven pretended to be shocked, "Me? Why, what would give you that idea?" He said with a laugh.

Daniel was surprised but he held her to him as well, "I am sorry Rose..."

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira giggled "my i do not know"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose held him close."Don't be Daniel." she sighed."If you must know me and my brother killed hunters back in France."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak looked toward Gareth. " wouldt' by chance have anything to punch do you? Something 200 pounds?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel chuckled slightly, "Wow, we're certainly a pair, how didn't we kill each other?" He said jokingly.

Steven looked around and then kissed her again, "Could that be it?" he asked grinning.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira kissed back smiling "yea that definitely was it"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth looked at him."Why don't you just go for a run around the compound?" He had over 20 ackers of private owned land.

Rose chuckles."Cause I'm to cute to kill and your too sweet to kill?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed. "Guess that'll work." he'd say. Exiting the house once more, he stood on the porch and began taking his clothes off, laying them neatly on the porch floor. Once he was fully disrobed, he shifted into his wolven state and began to run. Reason he took his clothes off is...they'd be ruined! And they weren't...exactly his.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Steven smiled and put his left arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Daniel laughed a little, "Too sweet?" he laughed again, "I think your too smart to think i'm too sweet."

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira smiled back as she blushed.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose giggles."But you are sweet tho." she kissed him."See sweet." she smiled

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak continued to run. Hey, this was nice! Now that he had a home...a pack...people he could trust! He could run around in his wolf form!

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella sighed heavily and finished the fence, all the while beating herself up for being so upset that Gareth was only being nice to her and wasn't attracted to her. It was stupid, she barely knew the guy!

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth walked up to his room and pulled on a shirt and walked back down the stairs and to the living room/

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella finished the gate, then nodded, proud of herself for getting it over with. She went inside to take a shower.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Daniel smiled and kissed her again, "Your sweeter and i don't need to taste you to know how beautiful you are." he said with a smile.

Steven looked out over the horizon, "So, what happens now?" He asked not sure what to expect.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Rose smiled more."See you just said a sweet thing. So you are sweet."

Gareth saw that some of the pack member where watching Tv so he went to his office to work on the case he was doing for Dannella

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira shrugged "depends on what you're meaning with the question" she said a bit confused x3.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak continued to run around the compound, feeling completely free.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella went upstairs and took a long shower... As for the case. It would be quick becuase Keller was being the stupid rich prat he was, expecting to get his way because of the people he knew. He'd been breeding great danes, all in horrible condition, but his prized dog was non other then Dawson-the dog Dannella was fostering. He had been in the worse shape, skinny and couldn't even walk. Yje shealter had lost ten puppies, and four adult dogs had to be put down.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth read over some files, coming up with a epic plan.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella came back downstairs after getting dressed. There were pictures of the dogs in the back along with the pictures of Dannella after Keller had hit her with a stick, and Keller after Dannella had kicked his ass.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak continued to run through the trees, loving it entirely.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth smiled a little at the picture of Keller all beat up after Dannella had kicked his ass."Thats my girl"

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: The next pictures were a few days later.Dannella's wounds had reddened a little and also bruised lightly around the area. Keller still looked worse though, with black and blue bruises.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth growled softly when he saw the picture of Dannella."I'll protect you."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak slowed his pace down to a trot, heading back to the house. It was good to get out...away from the lovey dovey shit.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella spotted Gareth's cup and took it over to the sink, rinsing out the cup before putting it in the dishwasher.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth looked threw the files more.

Rose held onto him Daniel

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak got closer to the house but still remained in at a trotting speed.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: The only other pictures were of the different dogs they had found, and the conditions they had been in.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth looked threw the files more

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak arrived back at the house after awhile and shifted back to his human naked form. Scratching the back of his head he'd yawn. Gettind dressed, he'd reenter the house, closing the door and locking it. Following Gareth's scent ht came to a door. Not wanting to be impolite, he knocked.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: The rest of the file was the 'evidence' Keller was using to prosecute them that they had accted unlawfully, as well as pictures of the 'damage' done to his house.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth didn't look up from the files."Come in."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak opened the door and stepped inside. "Um....I really don't like living anywhere without expecting to be asked to know anywhere I can get a job?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth looked at him."Your going to school, not work."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak's jaw dropped. "I fucking hate school! The only thing I've kwown for the past three years is cage fighting. What the hell kind of school would accept me?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella cleaned up the kitchen and living room, then started a load of luandry

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."The local high school will. I give money to them so they can get a new comp lab etc. And your going, end of story. And who knows you might meet you mate there."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed and looked down. "Fine fine." he'd say in defeat. He couldn't object to that. He HAD to find a mate. He was the last of his original pack...the last of his bloodline. He was the only way they' on.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella sighed softly looked around her house. She was worked up, needed to do something... Shopping.. Even she enjoyed shopping.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth nodded and he looked back at the files

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak grumbled. "When do I start?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."I'll talk to the headmaster later about it."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded and exited the room, closing the door behind him. "God...why did it have to be school? He was sooo far behind... Rolling his eyes, he walked to his room and sat on the bed.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth read of the files.

Rose cuddled Daniel.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak laid on his bed and sighed looking up at the Ceiling, his hand no longer bothering him since he went on that run and shifted back. Getting up and closing the door, he'd strip down to his boxers and lay back on the bed. Not going to sleep, just getting comfortable.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella went out shoping, leaving the great dane to lounge around on the couch.

Annabell walked into the bookstore after taking a quick break. She took a deep breath, she loved the smell of books.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed and got dressed. He decided to go in something...This place was still too lovey dovey for him, pissed him off that HE didn't have a mate. So...yeah, he left and started heading in town. Pulling out that second cigarette he got from Rose, he pulled out a lighter he stole from her and lit it up. Taking a deep breath he'd inhale the substance and blow out a billow of smoke.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell propped open the door to the bookstore. It was a nice day, and the shop needed some fresh air.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak strolled into town after a bit and walked down the street. It was littered with humans, not that he expected any less...there weren't many werewolves out there.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell looked up and down the street, waving at a couple people she knew.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak suddenly caught a scent not too far from where he was. This scent was far different from the rest in this city...this scent wasn't human. So he continued strolling down the street, instead of his original plan of just roaming the streets for awhile, he headed toward the werewolf's scent.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell lifted her nose a little and sniffed, smiling at a passer-by,"Smells like rain, doesn't it?" She asked before going inside. She could smell another werewolf, but her father was always stressing how careful she needed to be... Being a female werewolf made other weres want her... And they weren't always good people..

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak arrived at the bookstore and stepped inside. This is where the scent was strongest. But he acted like he couldn't smell it. Just being near the scent brought peace to him. Looking at the books around, he side glanced toward the female in there, finally finding just who's scent it was. On the inside he grinned. He was hoping one day....that he'd find a female werewolf, a perfect carry on his family's bloodline. So he continued looking at the books, pretending he that he was paying very little attention to her.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Evening."She called a freindly greeting to him before ducking into the office behind the front desk. Usually she wasn't shy... But that was with humans... This was one of her own kind! And he was her age... So far he hadn't tried to attack her, and she highly doubted he would... Still... She wanted to be careful. Plus there was something about this male that made her giddy...

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak chuckled. "Hello." he'd say. Since he was watching her, he saw her duck into the office. Why she ducked in there he didn't know, maybe she had paper work to do? Nevermind that. He stepped over to the next shelf, looking through the books here, getting closer to the office. It was his intent to talk to her...make friends with her. And not to come off as a total creep and go after her right now! First...he'd flirt, duh!

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell silently scolded herself for acting like a skiddish pup and she grabbed a cart of books that needed to be checked into invetory. She whelled it out of the office and turned on the moniter for the register.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak was still watching her from the side of his face with a smile. She certainly was beautiful. Stepping again to the side he was reading the names of the books. He watched her move the cart out. "Need help?" he'd ask politely.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "No, I think I've go-" She stopped as the books started to roll down a small ramp,"No, not yet you dusty doffs.." She said to the books, grabbing the cart and yanking it back into place. She blushed a little and put on the cart breaks."Ok, now I think I;ve got it." She smiled at Gar`Mak."Is there a book I can help you find..?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak rushed to the ramp and placed his palm directly against the frame stopping it just as she did, so basically...him trying to stop it was pointless. Helping her, pretending she was...kinda weak in case someone walked in, he'd smile. "There ya go." he'd say pushing the cart off the ramp and to the upper level. "Yeah.." he'd say catching her blush. "Um something on wolf study...can't remember the authors name." he'd answer.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Thank you..." Annabell smiled a little when he helped anyway..."Wolves huh>" She raised a curious brow, squeazing past the cart and walking over to him,"Do you know if it was a documentary... Or something like that?" She asked, smiling again before walking past him and into the shop area.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak blushed when she got real close to him...his heart racing...his stomach fluttering. What was wrong with him..why was he feeling this way? Panting sofly, he shook it off and looked at her...when she walked past him, his eyes staring at her ass, typical male thing. "Yeah, it was." he'd say following her. Stepping up beside her he'd smile. "Gar`Mak." he'd say extending his hand to hers.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell blushed a little as she shook his hand, her heart skipping a beat,"Annabell, but you can call me Anna Or Bell." She smiled again, releasing his hand, blushing again because she'd held it for so long. She turned again and headed to the back,"Well... Let's see.." She grabbed a stool and got on it, still having to stretch a little to reach the books she had in mind for the ones he was looking for."We have these three... In stock that is, if these aren't it I can look and find it."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak followed her, his face a deep crimson read after holding her hand for so long, still noticing her blush. Walking up behind her, he'd notice her stretch on a stool, which he thought wasn't a good idea. Before he knew it, his hands were holding her hips. "Careful." he'd say. He was kinda...deep down hoping she fell, so she could fall right into his waiting arms. But, then again he was hoping she didn't fall, mostly...hoping though.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell squeked when she felt his hands on her hip, a highly tickleish area. She dropped the book she'd been studying, luckily it hit niether of them. She, however, was giggling and wiggling beneath his hands, which made her fall from the thin stool and into his arms.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak did indeed catch her in his arms holding her bride style. Looking into her eyes, he was blushing madly. "You...okay?" he'd ask softly, breathing slow and heavy. His heart beating faster as his stomach continued to flutter.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Yeah... Just tickleish..." Annabell, too, was blushing like crazy. Her arms had gone around his neck when he'd cuaght her and she bit her lip lightly. Her heart was pounding, her stomach doing flips... Could this be her mate? She'd met a few weres her age over the years as they moved around, and none of them had ever done this to her.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled. For some reason...he didn't want to let her go, he didn't want to put her down, not now...Her soft arm hung round his neck, instinct had taken over... So he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell returned the kiss gently, closing her eyes as she did.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue gently forward to pry her lips open and slide it inside, gently rubbing it against hers.

[<< Her father would be pissed if he walked in and saw this.]

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol.... That would be immensly funny though.. Her dad isn't as bad as one might think.]

Annabell's lips parted a little as she allowed his tounge into her mouth.

A man standing at the end of the row cleared his throat loudly.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak continued the loving kiss, until he heard a man clear his throat, so he broke the kiss, and looked up. "Um..yes?" he'd ask, his heart still racing quickly, breathing heavily, and his stomach fluttering.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Dad!"Annabell said at once when she opened her eyes and looked at the man. She practically jumped out of Gar`Mak's arms, using the bookcase to steady herself."This is.. Um, Gar`Mak... He goes to school with me." She said quickly..."And.." She picked up the book and shoved it into Gar`Mak's hands,"He was, um... Just going."

"Not so fast." Her father blocked the way out."What exactly are your intentions with my duaghter... Or do you just plan on playing tonsel hockey?" He asked, his eyes twinkleing a little... Obviously he would get a kick out of making him nervous.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth needed to get to the office, so he walked up the stairs and walked into his room. He dressed in a plain black suit, white shirt and a dark blue tie which matched his eyes. He walked out his room and to his office. He got all the files in his case and walked out the house. He got in his car and drove to his firm. He knew that Rose would be safe with Daniel but he would never say to anyone. As he drove he thought of Dannella and hoped she was safe.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak blinked a few times and looked to Anna. Chuckling softly, he shook his head.. "Anna." he's say softly wrapping one arm around her waist and placing his forehead against hers. His very eyes spoke of kindness and caring as he stared into hers. Holding the book with the other hand, he put it on the desk and wrapped his other arm around her waist, holding her close. "I planned on doing more than just tonsel hockey...because well...I think me and her were meant to be." he'd say with a smile, showing no signs of him being nervous, well maybe slightly...but that's because he believes he just found his mate. "But...I must be going sir." he said paying for the book and writting down his number. Putting it into her pocket and kissing her once more on the lips. "See you at school." he'd smile, and then..he departed going back home. So he began walking down the street with the book in his hand.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed softly in content, his heart still fluttering with joy. Then he saw a car drive by...was that...was that Gareth? So he jogged after it waving his hands. Maybe he could get a ride home? After all it was a long walk back.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth saw Gar'Mak and he pulled up his car to the sidewalk. He rolled down the window."Hey Gar'Mak."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled and looked to the man. Something was different about him..he seemd more peaceful..his eyes filled...with love. "Hey Gareth." he'd say with a bashful smile.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth tiled his head."You look different."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak looked to the side. "I um...I met someone." he'd say, a red tint filling his cheeks.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth smiled."You met your mate. Well I hope you bond with your mate cause Rafe's out there and he wants to claim all she-wolves for himself so the werewolf race will die."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled. " I plan on it. Look it's a long way back home...can I get a ride?" he'd ask, still having a pleasent aura about him. Other than that...naturally violent demeanor.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."I was on my way to the office but I guess I could give you a ride back. Hop in."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded. "Thanks." he'd say, not able to remove the smile on his face, or the flutter from his heart.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth nods and starts to drive back to the house after Gar'Mak got in and buckled up. He drove back to the house."So let me about your mate? Human or she-wolf?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled. "She's a She-wolf. She's about my age, probably exactly my age or close enough to it, she works at a book store, and...the school your sending me too...She goes there..." he'd sigh happily.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth nodded."Well that's good. You can protect her then." he changed into five gear when he was just outside the city."What pack dose she belong to?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak shrugged. "I don't think she belongs to one...the one she called dad is human." he'd say.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth frowned."She's alone wolf? And are you sure she hasn't gone rogue? It's not health for a wolf to go with out a pack. Trust me I should know. I've killed my fair share of rogue wolves and Rose has studyed there minds to find out why they has gone rogue."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded. "It might of been her father...who knows? Maybe her mom is a she-wolf. Maybe not, all I know is...her scent is the only wolf I smelt on her. We were in the middle her father said playing tonsel hockey when he walked in. Otherwise...after that game...I would of started asking her questions."

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth chuckles and nodded."I see. Well onces you see your mate again bring her to the house or the firm or Rose's office for one of us to meet her. But I think Rose will be busy with her bonding with Daniel. So best just to bring her to the firm or to the house. I'll be at one of those places but if I'm not just take her to Rose's office, okay?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled and nodded. "Before or after I bond with her?" he'd ask with a chuckle. He'd probably bond with her first...just to make sure it was his scent on her, to make damn sure no other male would go near his mate.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth chuckled."It dosen't matter if it's before or after."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak chuckled and nodded. "I get the feeling her dad is going to try and scare me away, the twinkle in his eye when he thought I was nervous...kinda humorus." he'd chuckle. "Maybe he doesn't know...what I am." he'd say.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth."I'm sure his daughter will fill him in." he parked just by the gates of the compound.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed and exited the car. "Thanks, and I'll make sure to be there...with her if she hasn't already done it. Butl...first...will she be staying here? Or am I to....stay with her?" he'd ask. He wasn't sure on that subject...after all he did just join this pack yesterday.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth chuckles softly."After work we'll talk, okay?"

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak nodded and closed the door entering the gate of the compound, closing it behind him, book in hand.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth drove back into the the city and to his frim.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smilled as he entered the house. going up to his room he plopt down on his bed and began to read the book he bought. It was a documentary about wolves.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth parked his car and walked into the firm and rode the elevator to the 8th floor.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak put the book down and layed on his back staring at the ceiling...thinking about Anna. A smile creeped up on his lips as he closed his eyes. God how beautiful she much he wanted to be with her...right now, but he knew...that if her father hadn't walked in...they'd probably be in that office bonding right now.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth walked into his office after say hello to Kelly. He sat down on his chair and smiled as he thought of Dannella, he could smell her scent.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak took his shirt off and wrapped it around his neck, taking the ends and sniffed it. He could smell her, he'd probably never wash this shirt...just to keep it around when he missed her. Blushing madly..he thought for a moment...should he take it slow when they bond..he didn't know, he'd..never had sex before, not even out of sexual urge.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth pulled out his files on the case he was working on for Dannella. He looked threw them as he worked out a plan of attack.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled, he knew what he'd do..he'd take it slow. Because he was sure...she'd never done it either. So why rush things? He was under the impression things would be much better if they took it slow.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth sighed."Kelly coffee!" he called to her. He needed a pick me up.

Kelly nods and went to get him a black extra strong coffee

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak shortly closed his eyes, trying to imagine his and Anna's relationship. He also had to protect her...from Raff, who he was told wanted all she-wolves for himself.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth flipped threw the file as she he makes some notes

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiles as he continues to think about anna.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella finished off her shopping trip... It was usual for her to come home with pratically nothing, which is exactly how it was this time around too.

Annabell smirked at her father,"I knew my mate would be able to put up with the likes of you." She hugged him.
Her father smiled,"Call him, see if he has a pack and... Lord in heaven I never thought I'd say this, but bond with him soon... Theres talk of a wolf trying to make every female his, and I doubt he wouldn't harm you just becuase you're underage."
"You can go find Becca now!"Anna grinned... Her father had given up alot to raise her, including his one and only love.
He smiled,"I got a call from her last night actually."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak had his phone on his stomach just waiting. He knew she had to talk to her father first, then...then she'd probably call. He couldn't concentrate on the book yet...he talk to her.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth sighed."Thank you Kelly." he took the extra strong black coffee off her. He took a sip of it and relaxed a little.

Kelly nods."Your welcome sir." she walks out his office and to her desk.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Come on punk... You spent the last of your shift snogging." Her father teased, handing her her things before they waved to the shop owner and went home.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella sighed a little as she spread her loot out on her bed. A new shirt, a skirt that she'd never wear, a new suit to wear to court, pants, and a couple pairs of nice heels.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak closed his eyes and smiled, day dreaming...of him and Anna...yeah...bonding :D.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth sipped his coffee as he went over the case and how to win it. He did that for a bit but he got bored and really wanted to take Dannella out for coffee or something but...maybe she didn't want to. But she had been flirting with him but she might just be doing it for the case. Just so he would take it and win it for her. And she dose have infomation that would fuck up his life...she knew his secret which was not good. She could use that to blackmail any one of his pack members. He shook his head.No! Dannella isn't like that. She is my mate and she wouldn;t be that heartless and mean. he thought

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: When Annabell got home she started some coffee for her dad and then pulled out Gar`Mak's number... After a moment of nervousness she dialed it.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled when he heard his phone ring...only one person had this number, besides the guy who scheduled his cage fights. And that wasn't his number. It could only mean one thing, she called him! Answering the phone he took a deep breath. "Hello?" he'd say.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Dannella sighed a little, and put everything away before she started some coffee. She needed something, anything...

"Hello, it's Annabell..." Anna said after a moment, smiling a little.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth picked up his cell, he looked for Dannella's number and found it. He called her, hopeing she would answer but he understood that she was a busy women.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak flushed, his cheeks turning a crimson hue. "Hey I didn't get you in trouble did I?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Higgins." Dannella answered after a moment. She was used to most of her calls being from work. Her parents didn't know this number, so it shouldn't be them.

Anna chuckled softly,"No, my dad tries to act all strict, but he's not... The Navy never changed that about him."

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth smiled."Hello Dannella."he said softly.

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled. "Good, so...I guess you didn't have to work anymore. Like...I was the rest of your work day?" he'd joke.

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Gareth..."Dannella said, surprised. She set the coffee pot down,"How can I help you...?"

Um, yeah actually.."Anna blushed, giggling a little,"Enjoying the book...?"

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth smiled at her surprised tone."I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tonight or whenever your free."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak sighed. "I didn't get into it....I was too busy thinking about you. I can't get you off my mind." h'ed blush.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai chuckled "dammit kuja what the hell?"

Kuja "ha this time it was not me"

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Um, yeah... I'm free tonight..." Dannella said after a moment."Dinner were...?"

"Oh.."Anna blushed and smiled,"I can't get my mind off of you either, but... Um... There are a couple things I need to ask you, and I'm sure you have questions for me.."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled. "Ladies first." he'd say.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth smiled."I was think we could go to the Cross Keys for a nice home made dinner."

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell bit her lip lightly,"Do you have a pack..?"

Dannella nodded a little,"Alright, that sounds good."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled. "Yeah, what about you?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gareth smiled."Prefect. I'll pick you at your house at 9pm?"

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kai "imma leave you on someone's doorstep i promise you"

Kuja giggles

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "No, no pack..."Annabell sighed softly.

Dannella nodded a little,"Alright, I'll see you around nine.."

2010-04-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak smiled. "So...what do you wanna do tonigth?" he'd ask.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Kira hummed as she looked through Kuja's store picking up various articles of clothing "plaid skirt or long black skirt?"

Kuja "both :3"

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: [Jesus Balls! You people and yer talking XD]

Daniel nodded, "I suppose you are right." He said and smiled a little, "So, you couldn't possibly want to stay up here with me all day, could you?" He said grinning.

2010-04-27 [GlassCasket]: [well, Kira is in a store now then? xD]

Steven sat in his office writing notes on a new case he had been working on, "Damn it..." He said wiping the sweat from his forehead, "Another false lead..." He mumbled angrily.

2010-04-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [pffft had to do somethin XD i was too lazy to read past comments >.>]

Kira chuckles "sorry kuja i'd rather take fashion from kai"

Kuja "just cause im straight doesnt mean i cant dress snazzy"

2010-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Annabell went to her room and shrugged a little, even though he couldn't see her."It doesn't really matter to me.."

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